What Is Transpersonal Astrology?

Transpersonal Astrology has the potential to help bring an individual to self-realizations by assisting one to raise inquiry about the promise of the seed of the True Self; that part of ourselves that is untouched by our conditioning, considerations, beliefs and judgments. By engaging with Transpersonal Astrology we open ourselves up to an exploration of the multidimensionality of our Being through the archetypes of the planets, signs, and houses of the zodiac. To consider gaining information about one’s self through astrology is to accept the possibility that we can view a symbolic map that can elucidate and validate within us inner-knowings about who we are and where we might be heading on our life’s path. By framing our ideas about ourselves using the cycles and archetypes of the zodiac, we are able to look at ourselves through symbols, as symbols, fulfilling a need of the cosmos through the choices we make each day.

Learning about one’s own personal horoscope can be an empowering process. The natal chart—a map of the location of the planets within the constellations at the time of one’s birth—can be considered a model representing the various components of one’s psyche or what could be called sub-personalities. Each one of these sub-personalities is in relationship to each other and together create the structure of the whole personality. A natal chart reading can assist one to identify these components in order to more fully understand each one: its purpose, function, and potentials. The reason this is useful is because it helps us to see ourselves in a way we do not normally. 

By framing our ideas about ourselves using the cycles and archetypes of the zodiac, we are able to look at ourselves through symbols, as symbols, fulfilling a need of the cosmos through the choices we make each day.

We often identify with the parts of ourselves that are the most obviously expressed, or seen, by ourselves and others while paying very little, or no attention at all, to the less seen, sometimes hidden and rarely expressed sides of ourselves. This can create in us a vague sense of confusion as we are living in a state of unrecognized dissonance among the various parts of our psychological functions and sub-personalities. Viewing one’s natal chart can not only help us understand the conflict we may feel between certain parts of ourselves but can also offer guidance on how they might be brought into a state of harmony.

If we are able to examine our personal attributes without judgment we may begin to see what is motivating our behavior and why we have certain responses to the way we handle any given situation. An honest review of our needs and desires can help us to make higher-quality choices leading us to living a life in closer alignment with our intrinsic nature.

As we become familiar with our charts, we may start to recognize themes that have occurred repeatedly throughout our lifetime. As these patterns reveal themselves and we begin to understand their meaning and purpose, we are given the chance to get real about the challenges we are facing and opportunities that life may be presenting to us. We can now ask ourselves if we feel that we are in a state of stagnation or acceleration in our own personal growth. Once understood, we can begin making a movement toward a healthier and more holistic approach to the way we live our lives.

  • A session begins with a brief guided meditation to relax the mind and prepare for the(First Session/One-off Reading) 1-to-1, in person, online reading. The participant is then invited to share any current matters that they would like to explore and inquire into. We will then consult the charts that have been created for the time of our meeting. Depending on the needs of the participant we may use one or multiple charts to home in on the themes that are being presented. The session progresses as we review the personal events that are currently being experienced, identifying the correlation between them and the planetary cycles.

    This will enable the participant to view themselves and their life experience through the archetypes of the zodiac, which can encourage one to move away from a personal and perhaps limited perspective of themselves and the situations they are in, by tapping into the impersonal and universal messaging the cosmos is now communicating to them. From this viewpoint, one may now be able to move beyond any limiting thinking to open up to higher-quality ideas about present occurrences and potentials of future outcomes.

  • Sessions will include a brief review of the themes and cycles previously discussed in our last meeting. We will then continue to examine these cycles as they have progressed to date, allowing for a deeper understanding of their meaning, your relationship to them, and your personal horoscope.

  • Combining both Astrology and Sound Healing, this session is for those seeking to unify the information that can be gathered by the intelligences within and without us. This session starts with a transit chart reading that will highlight the most pertinent messages the planets are communicating to you now. With this understanding, the participant can now create a clear intention to work with while in meditation with sound.